The issue of the gcc binary not being found has old answers when looked up in Google. The answers also offer a solution that is not suitable.
This answer is for when installing VMWare tools on Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Mint Linux etc but the principles will be the same for RedHat, Debian, Suse CentOs etc – just using yum or rpm or the native packager.
Fixed Solution to ‘The path “” is not valid path to the gcc binary for vmware-tools’
VMW are advise using the open-vmware-tools instead of their downloaded / built in tools package.
Here is how to install open vmware tools
1. If you have run their package first remove the installed tools / partial install.
(I had unpacked the installer tar to /tmp so the commands below are from that location. )
- Goto the folder you unpacked the installer in
cd /tmp/
- Change folder to vmware-tools-distrib/bin
cd vmware-tools-distrib/bin/
- Run ./
sudo ./
2. Install open VMWare Tools
sudo ./apt install open-vm-tools
- If you have a desktop install then install the desktop tools too
sudo ./open-vm-tools-desktop
3. Restart your virtual machine and it should work for you.